Little Miss Baby J

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Final Beta

Earlier today, in a rather boring meeting that I was suffering through, I was trying to estimate what I thought my beta might be, if indeed it was doubling every other day, from last wednesday until today.

Last Wednesday's beta: 525.8

The number that I came up with was 8,000 -- a rough estimate, but still, something to have in mind when the nurse called to give me the update.

Today's beta: 8,095!

I'm so thankful -- thankful that we've gotten this far in the process, thankful that the number is (reassuringly) around what I'd thought it should be, and thankful at just the prospect of getting to carry a little one in my womb.

"He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted." Job 9:10

...Counting my blessings for even the hope of the miracle that He has made possible through this...


  1. I'm so happy for you! I will continue to pray for you and your little bean.

  2. That sounds like some pretty good confirmation! Hope everything continues to go well.

  3. Wow! Amazing, glad everything is going well!

  4. Hooray the news I have been waiting and checking on all day. BeAming for you love you. Congratulations!!!!!! Were overjoyed

  5. Praise God!!! I am SO thrilled for you guys. Can't wait to hopefully see you soon!

  6. YAY! So happy for you! And just wait until the ultrasound - it's amazing! Hugs!

  7. Yay!!!!! Been praying and so thrilled!!!

  8. Congrats on the BFP and the rising betas! So exciting!
