Little Miss Baby J

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Picture Page

...If I don't post it now, it'll never get done..!

Here's the picture from last Friday's ultrasound, at 6w6d:

...Everytime I look at it, I'm just so overwhelmed and amazed... by everything about it all. How God works, and how He knits these cells together so intricately into our baby...

I know Baby J resembles more of a tadpole at this point than of a human form, but according to the books, Baby J should look more like an actual BABY by the next ultrasound on the 16th, when I'm 9w2d.

I can't wait to see how our little one has changed and grown!

Okay---no more tonight. Am half asleep in my chair here -- gotta hit the sack.


  1. before you meet your little one, there is nothing in this world more beautiful than ultrasound pictures, seeing them on that screen, seeing them move, hearing their heartbeats.... ooh it brings tears to my eyes. congratulations sweet friend!!! love you and am overjoyed for you! its about time blessings flow all over you!

  2. ps. it doesnt look like a tadpole to me. i see a defined head, hands and feet. all curled up and sleeping. :)

  3. Woo hoo!!! Love it!! What a miracle!

  4. It is seriously amazing how quickly he/she will look like a little baby in there. I can't wait for your next picture! ~ Dena
