Little Miss Baby J

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, June 26, 2010

And the number is...

(drum roll, please)



Everything went well this morning... the procedure went well, the dr had no trouble retrieving the eggs from my follicles, and I got a nice drug-induced nap out of it, and don't remember a thing. Overall, I'm doing well... A little discomfort in the abdomen, of course, but nothing a little dar.vo.cet can't handle. :)

I am so so SO relieved that a) it's over, and b) we have eggs. I don't know what I would have to done if I had woken up to the same news as last time (see post here). Praise the Lord, this round has been different from the beginning.

Tomorrow I'll find out how fertilization went, and what the egg quality looks like. I know I can't expect all 28 to survive, or to all be Grade A (or however they grade them!), but I am praying for a third to make it, at the very least. ...If we had a good 8-12 solid embies, it would go a long way in reassuring me that not only do we have a shot at this coming ET, but at a few in the future, as well. And what a huge blessing that would be.

As to everyone else's journeys, and your own progress -- I'm lifting you up, as well. I know that faith (whatever yours may be) can be difficult during IF... Wrestling with all the unanswered questions we have for why we're having to go through this in the first place---and more. (I know the questions don't end with just that one.)

Know that even in times that you can't pray for yourself -- whether due to bouts of doubt or anger or bitterness or despair, whatever-- just know that there are others out there praying for you, even when you can't.

I pray for my God to be with each of you. To hear your cries. To see through to your heart, and know your innermost thoughts and desires. To meet you where you are, and bring you comfort and peace. To carry you through this.

I pray for you; I pray for us.


  1. Holy eggies!!! YEA!!! So super excited for you!!! I'll be praying for you and your recovery, as well as a wonderful fert report. Keep us posted!

  2. Yipeee!! That is SO great! Can't wait to hear the results tomorrow. Praying!

  3. Oh how wonderful that you had that many eggs! Hoping with you for a fabulous cycle. Love your prayer.

  4. Alright! Can't wait for the fert report. Best wishes!!
