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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Lucky Number 13

This will be a short-and-sweet one... about to take the pups for a walk around the neighborhood, and then it's to bed for me. I definitely could have used another nap today...!

Today's ultrasound & bloodwork report: 13 mature follies thus far--8 on the left, 5 on the right. 8-9 others close to mature, so we'll see what happens over the coming days. E2 level: 1371. SO much better than the 5000+ I had on this day last time, praise God!

It was great to get another good report, and to hear that my body was continuing to progress as it should. Now, if we can just continue like this for another 3-4 days, that would be fan-tastic.

Hope everyone else had a good weekend!

Isn't it nice to start the week on a positive note? May yours start off the same~


  1. I am here from ICLW. Just wanted to wish you good luck on your current IVF cycle. 13 follies sounds like a great number. I hope things keep on going well for you this cycle! good luck!

  2. Me too, ICLW, that is! Your body is responding quite well! I hope this is Lucky #13 for you. Wishing you the very best.

  3. Oooh, awesome! I wish you luck with this cycle, from a fellow infertile. :)

    ICLW #154

  4. Fingers crossed for a continued good week! :)

  5. ICLW visitor, congrats on your solid results. Your body seems be cooperating, could you have your body give my body some lessons please?

